The Bogliasco Foundation offers month-long residencies from January to May and from September to December to poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers in the coastal fishing village of Bogliasco, Italy, located seven miles southeast of Genoa. Residents are provided with a private room, workspace, and meals, and are invited to attend cultural events in Bogliasco and Genoa. There is no cost to attend the residency, but residents are responsible for their own travel expenses. For residencies during fall 2023 and spring 2024, using only the online application system, writers submitted three writing samples published in the past five years (up to 15 pages of poetry or 25 pages of prose), a curriculum vitae of no more than three pages, a project proposal, and three letters of recommendation with a $30 application fee by March 1. All application materials submitted, with the exception of the project proposal, which had to be written in English, could be written in English, Italian, French, or Spanish. Visit the website for complete guidelines.
Contact Information
Bogliasco Foundation, 1 East 53rd Street, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10022. (212) 486-0874.
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