Editorial Focus
Eoagh is dedicated to the idea of reading as a process, the productive chaos of investigative poetic work. It seeks to foreground the writing of experimental women, trans, feminist, BIPOC, antiracist, LGBT, and queer authors. It seeks texts that explore the acts of attention not just in writing but also in being written. Inspired by the assertion that “reading is a gymnast’s act,” it sees reading as an embodied, interdisciplinary response that engages with one’s environment.
Tips From the Editor
There will be one submission period for the journal announced each year. There will also be one reading period for book manuscript submissions announced, usually once a year.
To submit work to Eoagh, send: essays, articles, or reviews. Any length is acceptable. We do not currently accept unsolicited poetry submissions. To submit articles, criticism, or reviews, send texts of any length.
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