Established in 1990 at the University of Idaho, Fugue biannually publishes poetry, fiction, essays, hybrid work, and visual art from established and emerging writers and artists. Fugue is managed and edited entirely by University of Idaho graduate students, with help from graduate and undergraduate readers.
Fugue is currently open to review pitches and submissions of finished reviews. They aim to publish reviews that would have trouble finding a home elsewhere—reviews that push the boundaries of the criticism genre. They have a special magnetism toward reviews of small press books, books in translation, and books that present something rare in a rapidly homogenizing publishing landscape. Send pitches in the body of an e-mail or send complete reviews as Word attachments via e-mail to fuguereviews@gmail.com. Include a brief bio as well as the full title, author, publisher, and publication year of the book(s) you are reviewing.
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