Editorial Focus
Gigantic Sequins is print-based and biannual. Its black and white journal is known for its quality writing and its unique design/aesthetic. It accepts work from unpublished writers in addition to those who have an already established voice. It enjoys publishing writers who have their hands in various sorts of figurative creative cookie jars. It is interested in cultivating an artistic community over a widespread area through our uniquely designed journal and are known for promoting its past as well as its current contributors’ achievements.
Tips From the Editor
Please do not list your previous accomplishments/publications in the cover letter area. Please send us your best work. Please become familiar with our magazine by at least browsing our website’s select archived pieces we have there before submitting. Please only send an email inquiry about the status of your submission if four months have passed. Please alert us ASAP if a simultaneous submission has been accepted elsewhere. Please love literature and art and support the small, independent magazines/journals where you want to see you work published.
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