Subgenres: Humor

Rachel Beck

Humphrey Magazine
Humphrey Magazine, “a magazine of decadent whimsy” is a biannual theme-focused magazine founded by Humphrey Higgins The Cat. For upcoming themes, check the website. Strong adherence to theme will determine publication. All styles of... Read more

Twelve House Books
Twelve House Books is an indie publisher that releases a variety of literary fiction, speculative fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry each year. The Acquisitions Editor looks for Ghost Stories, Fabulist... Read more

SWING is devoted to excellent poetry, fiction, essays, and comic art in print, and the editors are committed to a design that speaks to the contents within. The look and feel of their issues will always reflect the natural world and... Read more

Cutty Sark Magazine
Cutty Sark is a place for new and inventive forms of writing to flourish. We believe that tact, intention, and execution are just as important as emotion in one’s writing. A writer must be mindful of how they are writing, ... Read more

Hemlock Journal
Hemlock Journal’s focus is on the quality of the submissions regardless of the background of the writers or the poets. The editors believe literature belongs to all and must empower each and everyone.

Witcraft Annual Humour Competition
This is a competition dedicated to skillful writing that is brief, humorous and engaging. The emphasis is on wit, word play, absurdity and inspired nonsense. Whether your work is designed to raise a smile or a belly laugh, we want pieces that are... Read more

Ubwali Literary Magazine
Mainly work by Zambian writers, except for January, when work by African writers living in Africa is also considered.
Claire Harris