Editorial Focus
One Forty Fiction always welcomes submissions from master craftspeople, journeymen, dilettantes, and amateurs—just make sure it's a good story.
Stories have beginnings, middles, ends, and characters wanting things. They don’t publish poetry, aphorisms, or philosophical meanderings. They publish stories.
A word of warning that they have been overwhelmed in the past with stories related to suicide. If your story involves the subject of suicide, consider submitting it to a different publication.
Tips From the Editor
One Forty Fiction is dedicated to micro fiction stories with beginnings, middles, and ends, and characters who want things. But how to tell such stories in such limited space? How do you create love, want, and derision in 140 characters? How do you deliver your heart?
I have no answer for you. I just know that you have 140 characters to make the reader see, feel, live, and yearn for the world beyond your 140.
Give us all you got. But give it to us wrapped tight, a Big Bang of a universe, a history of life itself, communicated wisely and with love.
And if you’re feeling saucy, don't be afraid to bring the jazz and funk.
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