Editorial Focus
Peatsmoke Journal is committed to diverse voices, an accessible journal, a journal for everyone. They’re interested in the work a writer produces—not where they’ve been published before. Their passion lies in giving readers a place to find exciting new work that inspires, stirs, surprises, and sparks the empathetic imagination.
Tips From the Editor
We accept previously unpublished poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please let us know right away if your work is accepted elsewhere. You can include a cover letter full of amusing tidbits about you or of fascinating trivia you learned from a podcast recently, but we are not interested in reading a list of the journals your work has appeared in. What is important to us is that you are sending us writing that feels urgent and necessary, work that is ready to go out for a stroll in the world. As a journal, we are committed to publishing diverse voices of all kinds.
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