Ten Questions for Srikanth Reddy

The orality and intimacy of the lecture bring it closer to some aspects of lyric poetry than the nonfiction essay. —Srikanth Reddy, author of The Unsignificant
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The orality and intimacy of the lecture bring it closer to some aspects of lyric poetry than the nonfiction essay. —Srikanth Reddy, author of The Unsignificant
“Finish the draft. Nothing else matters.” —Sarah Rose Etter, author of Ripe
“I didn’t set out to write exactly this book.” —Lillian-Yvonne Bertram, author of Negative Money
“Everything you are afraid of will be surpassed by desires you cannot yet imagine.” —Elizabeth Metzger, Lying In
The authors of The Invisible Art of Literary Editing engage in a dialogue about textual doneness.
The author of The Art of Brevity: Crafting the Very Short Story investigates the power of a single sentence, long or short.
The author of The Art of Brevity: Crafting the Very Short Story explores what is gained by cutting elements of a narrative.
“Sit with your characters and let them talk to you.” —Bisi Adjapon
The author of The Boundaries of Their Dwelling argues that writers should be as open to influence during revision as they are at the beginning of a project.
The author of The Boundaries of Their Dwelling counts the many ways a novelist may get lost, but ultimately find a way through, a book project.