Ten Questions for Srikanth Reddy

The orality and intimacy of the lecture bring it closer to some aspects of lyric poetry than the nonfiction essay. —Srikanth Reddy, author of The Unsignificant
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Read weekly interviews with authors to learn the inside stories of how their books were written, edited, and published; insights into the creative process; the best writing advice they’ve ever heard; and more.
The orality and intimacy of the lecture bring it closer to some aspects of lyric poetry than the nonfiction essay. —Srikanth Reddy, author of The Unsignificant
“There is no point in learning how to sculpt if you don’t know where to get the clay.” —Devika Rege, author of Quarterlife.
“Now, though, years have passed, and I do have more peace about my past and my process. From afar, I can finally see what I was doing, and why.” — Jay Baron Nicorvo, author of Best Copy Available: A True Crime Memoir
“Don’t forget to have a good time. Stay loose. Enjoy the labor. Follow through.” —Elisa Albert, author of The Snarling Girl
“I’d love to be the kind of writer who sits down at my desk at a specific and predictable time...and write, but I’ve never been that writer. —torrin a greathouse, author of DEED.
“I thrive in the blur between my waking world and my invented worlds.” —Navid Sinaki, author of Medusa of the Roses
“I treat my life as fodder for literature, so I consider living it (surviving it) as part of writing.” —Ismet Prcic, author of Unspeakable Home
“That I’ve never expected this work to be fast or easy is a priceless gift, my saving grace.” —Bret Anthony Johnston, author of We Burn Daylight
“I wanted to write a book that had the potential to both delight and terrify Philip Roth.” —Karla Cornejo Villavicencio, author of Catalina
“Just tell the truth.” —Kiran Bath, author of Instructions for Banno
“It seems like a necessary step to figure out how to emerge from mess to order.” —Ayşegül Savaş, author of The Anthropologists
“I have found writing to be like channeling.” —Elizabeth Scanlon, author of Whosoever Whole
“If one poem broke your heart, my next poem should uplift you.” —Tara M. Stringfellow, author of Magic Enuff
“I had to focus on readers who were moved by the same things I was.” —Ananda Lima, author of Craft: Stories I Wrote for the Devil
“My ambition isn’t to write something that lets you shut out the world.” —Maureen Sun, author of The Sisters K
“Every book I read I annotate, trying to figure out the logic of the story.” —Morgan Talty, Fire Exit
“Writing is solitary, but you are not alone.” —Evan Dalton Smith, author of Looking for Andy Griffith: A Father’s Journey
“If I didn’t like writing then I wouldn’t do it.” —Mesha Maren, author of Shae
“Sometimes it’s better to lean into your strengths instead of trying to make up for your weaknesses.” —Melissa Mogollon, author of Oye
“The task of the novelist, I think, consists of treating life as a research project.” —Nicolás Medina Mora
“I consider notetaking to be an integral form of the writing process.” —Dorothy Chan, author of Return of the Chinese Femme
“I don’t hold myself to a rigid writing schedule but instead listen to my mind, body, and heart and write accordingly.” —Alison C. Rollins, author of Black Bell
“I think the arc of writing a poem is similar to the experience of ascending and descending physical terrain.” —Callie Siskel, author of Two Minds
“Above all, be brave!” —Sheila Carter-Jones, author of Every Hard Sweetness
“Take as long as you need.” —April Gibson, author of The Span of a Small Forever