V Press LC

Genres Published: 
Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Autobiography/Memoir, Flash Fiction, Literary Fiction, Narrative Nonfiction, Prose Poetry, Short Fiction
Representative Authors: 
Deborah L. Staunton, Peter Michael Johnson, Chapman Hood Frazier, Rebecca Bridge, Heather Mateus Sappenfield
Book Types: 
Chapbook, Short story collections, Essay collections, Novel, Memoir, Poetry collections
Paperback, Hardcover, E-book, Audio
Reading Period: 
Jan 1 to Dec 31
Response Time: 
3 to 6 months
Charges Reading Fee: 
Publishes Through Contests Only: 
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions: 
Accepts Simultaneous Submissions: 
Titles per Year: 
1 to 5

Editorial Focus

V Press is a small press committed to the discovery of writing that transcends the ordinary. The editors believe in developing and encouraging the creative writing voice in our journal, in the press, and throughout communities. It’s their desire to enrich the world through publishing people and their stories, their poems, and their books with the hope that they move, inspire, invite, create, empower, and more.

Tips From the Editor

V Press LC loves fresh and original writing. The best works are those that get into the bones. However, some works we will publish simply for the joy of reading them. Submit and surprise us. We love to be surprised. 

V Press LC does not want to read about child abuse, graphic sexual deviations, horror, or anything that is just plainly too graphic for general adult audiences. If it disturbs the general reader—it’s not for us. We are not interested in: works targeted for children, self-help, erotica, textbooks, or technical/professional works.

Contact Information

Torie Amarie Dale, Director and Managing Editor
1361 West Wade Hampton Boulevard
Suite F, PMB 162
Greer, SC 29650
Contact E-mail: 
Please note: The information provided in this database is provided by the publishers listed in it.
Last updated: Feb 27, 2024

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