How Prewriting Can Invigorate Your Work

The author of Perennial Ceremony: Lessons and Gifts From a Dakota Garden reflects on how a practice of free-writing can help writers uncover hidden truths.
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The author of Perennial Ceremony: Lessons and Gifts From a Dakota Garden reflects on how a practice of free-writing can help writers uncover hidden truths.
“The first draft is just telling the story to yourself.” —Jeanna Kadlec, author of Heretic
The author of Anodyne takes a poetic approach to prose writing.
Writing groups can provide community, accountability, and a fresh perspective on your work. One writer shares advice and insight on how to start and maintain a writing group that lasts.
The Radius of Arab American Writers works to support and disseminate creative and scholarly writing by Arab Americans through workshops, conferences, and community outreach.
Grant Faulkner, executive director of National Novel Writing Month and the cofounder of 100 Word Story, leads a literary tour of San Francisco, a city of rollicking rogues and home of the Beats.
The writing workshop model presents a certain degree of risk—sharing artistic work inherently involves becoming vulnerable to critique and potential emotional fallout. Perhaps none experience this risk more than creative nonfiction writers, whose memoirs and essays are often deeply personal. Here, two writing workshop facilitators offer a set of guidelines for developing a safe, respectful workshop environment.
Celebrating its fortieth anniversary this year, the Just Buffalo Literary Center offers workshops, youth programs, events, an international authors series, and an unmatched literary community in western New York.
With the goal of facilitating “global conversation through the intimate and inclusive voice of poetry,” the Kent, Ohio–based Wick Poetry Center is expanding its programming and bringing poetry to a wider audience.
Goodreads hits 50 million reviews; how poetry teaches kids to love reading; the Bible to become Tennessee’s official state book; and other news.