Editorial Focus
Tikkun especially likes stories, poems, and non-fiction pieces that deal with the spiritual, progressive, regenerative, and transformative elements of life. They’re also highly drawn to works about religion, Israel/Palestine, Middle East conflicts, and social justice. Please also keep in mind that they are a global, multifaith readership.
Tips From the Editor
Works must be under 3,000 words to be published in the print magazine. While we have no set lengths for web pieces, works over 5,000 words will have to be especially impressive to warrant publication. Novel excerpts are fine provided that they can stand alone. All works will be considered for both the print edition and online. We also welcome simultaneous submissions provided we’re notified in the cover letter and informed immediately if the work is accepted elsewhere. We do not accept previously published work, and we require that all submissions be made through our online system. Please submit only one story at a time and no more than three per year.
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